"Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use." Samuel Johnson

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Homemade Baby Food

We have returned, happy but exhausted, from our vacation in Chile. I had thought that I would have long stretches of time during which I could write about everything we were doing there, but alas I only posted once! Well, we did everything from swimming in a lake at the base of an active volcano to meeting Benjamin's great grandmother, Olga (the name says it all, by the way!).

We all have favorite parts of the vacation, but the most interesting for me was the homemade baby food. Every day, either my mother in law or the housekeeper (another thing I wish I had at times) would put a whole bunch of things from chicken to potatoes to spinach in a pot, boil it, and blend it. The first time that this was done, I thought, "There is no way he is going to eat it!". But eat it he did, every day for the rest of the vacation.

Of course now, when it is time for him to eat, he looks at me with those huge brown eyes as if to say, "I'm ready for my homemade baby food, mommy. You can put that store bought stuff away." So today, for the first time in my life, I made baby food. I do believe that I am one of the last people that anyone would expect to do so, but a baby's got to eat, right? Well, I can't afford to bring my mother in law over, so tomorrow I will boil some stuff, blend it, and hold my breath!

1 comment:

The Hamons said...

I'm excited to give that a shot myself. I discovered a great book: Super Baby Food. You may wanna check it out. Hope you are well!