"Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use." Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mish Mash

There are times when I am so happy just sitting with Samuel and watching Benjamin. But it is at those times when I think, "wait, I need to write this down or video tape it, or something. I don't want to ever forget it!" Benjamin is definitely a morning person. As I am going up the stairs to get him in the morning, I hear him say, "Hi! Hi!" And when I finally get there (there are a lot of stairs!), there is an unforgettable smile on his face.

There are also the funny moments. He has become quite taken with the phone. Now, he grabs anything resembling a phone, puts it up to his ear, and walks around the house talking. It is so funny, but again, I need to tape it! Often I think about it and I realize that someday, when I think about his toddler years, it is going to be a mish mash of all of the amazing things that he does.

He amazes me. Samuel and I often wonder where he gets his extroverted nature. Both Samuel and I are introverts, so we laugh when we go out and he says hi to every imaginable person (but especially women...).

Well, back to my happy, mish mash life!

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